Day 188 – Curiously Strong

October 5, 2010 at 11:17 pm (Photography, Project 365) ()

One of my favorite carry-around snacks is Wintergreen Altoids.  I downloaded a new app on my cell phone so I decided to try it out.  I chose an option on the app that makes a photo look like it was taken in the 1800’s, so I thought the old-fashioned tin fit the effect perfectly.

100510 16-58-26web CLICK HERE for larger version.


  1. Susan said,

    Nice effect! I love Wintergreen too.

  2. mindymilburn said,

    I love altoids!! This is a very cool shot 🙂

  3. mom said,

    cute! I like it–special effects and all!

  4. Jim said,

    I like this exspearmint. OK, they’re wintergreen, but the halo effect around the box is pretty cool.

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