So, Ah, Yeah, It’s Been Almost 4 Weeks

February 18, 2011 at 6:16 pm (Photography, Project 365) (, , , , , , )

But I do have some more photos to share.  I’ll be back in a couple days to share more, I promise!

Day 209
This hotel clock radio looked so futuristic, I had to take a photo of it.
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CLICK HERE for larger version.

Day 210
And the reason I was in a hotel with a funky clock radio was to see this dude:  KRIS BELL!
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CLICK HERE for larger version.

Day 211
This was Halloween weekend, and my friends decided to dress up as hippy chicks to go see Jeffrey Steele.  They recognized a kindred spirit in the afro-dude, so they wanted me to capture a photo.
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CLICK HERE for larger version.

Day 212
The next night was actually Halloween, and Jim Thistle of  The Bart Walker Band was getting into the spirit of the evening.
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CLICK HERE for larger version.

Day 213
This is a close-up of my friend’s shiny sparkly camera.  I liked the effect my cell phone app gave it.
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CLICK HERE for larger version.

Day 214
Ah, election day.  It’s also Tuesday, when I normally get Chinese food for dinner (no, I don’t have a Sheldon (Big Bang Theory reference) freak-out if I don’t get my Chinese food on Tuesday LOL!).  I thought this was probably the best, most appropriate fortune from a fortune cookie that I’ve ever gotten.
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CLICK HERE for larger version.


  1. Pattyann said,

    Looks to me like you have been way too busy! Love the last quote! Good to see you back.

  2. Mike said,

    You always take great live stage shots, Laura!

  3. YourLittleBrother Mike said,

    A couple days…now, when did this post? Oh, yea, in FEBRUARY. lol

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