Day 58 – A Rose by Any Other Name…

May 29, 2010 at 2:12 am (Photography, Project 365) (, , , , )

I mentioned a couple of days ago that Portland is the “City of Roses.”  Well, that’s no lie.  Everywhere you look, there are rose bushes.  This weekend, the Rose Festival begins, but there’s no reason to pay money to go there.  This first rose is another from the parking lot at my hotel.  It’s been raining much of the time I’ve been here–a gentle drippy rain that is more a nuisance than anything else.  But when it adds the dewy effect to the flower blooms, well, I can’t complain too much.  I had to knock some of the water out of the flower so that it didn’t just look like a really wet rose.  I like the water drops on this one.

The second is from my brother’s rose garden.  He is rightfully very proud of his roses.  This one is the blossom that Mike pointed out as his favorite.  Thanks, Mike!

I couldn’t resist playing with this one a little.  I added 4 black and white layers and set them to “multiply,” then erased the area around the rose in 3 of the three black and white layers so that we can still see the leaf detail, for added visual interest.


  1. Lisa said,

    Beautiful!! The roses and your shots of them. The photo play one is cool!!

  2. Susan said,

    Roses are one of God’s miracles, aren’t they. Well, and Mike’s too if that second one is from his garden. The colors are beautiful. Sorry, not liking Goth Rose though.

    • Laura said,

      That’s OK, Susan. I liked the other ones better too.

  3. Bonnie said,

    I love the photos of the roses 🙂

  4. kimhannigan said,

    The roses are gorgeous Laura! Love the water droplets on that red/pink one. And the colors of that second one are stunning. I bet it smells beautiful in Portland!!

  5. Bianca said,

    Laura you photos are so unbelievably beautiful. Do you think i could use the last picture as my tumblr wallpaper?

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